Smith Chiropractic


Upper back pain:  Smith Chiropractic Atlanta , GA

Upper back pain affects both the young and the old; it does not discriminate. It is that annoying sharp pain that is felt between the shoulders in your upper back and is very debilitating There are many conditions that can cause a patient to experience acute or chronic upper back pain, some causes of upper back pain can be life threatening in nature like cancer that metastasize to the thoracic spine; or less complicated like facet and discogenic pain caused by traumatic misalignment of the thoracic vertebrae due to an auto accidents or fall and over exertion type injury. There are other conditions that can cause acute or chronic upper back pain such as scoliosis, arthritis affecting the thoracic facet and disc, wedge vertebra; disc herniation that is pinching a nerve causing localized pain.


Some patients who struggle with thoracic spine pain try to manage this condition through stretching exercise, getting a massage or taking over the counter pain medication. To effectively diagnose and treat the cause of upper back spine pain it is essential that the patient be evaluated by a doctor who specializes in musculoskeletal conditions like a chiropractor. A Chiropractor has the training and skills necessary to accurately diagnose the cause of the upper back pain and provide the treatment necessary to address the complaint or refer to the patient to another specialist as the diagnosis dictates.


Tension Headaches:      Smith Chiropractic

Tension type headaches are the most common types of headache. These headaches often start at the back of the head then travels to the forehead. Patients experiencing tension type headaches describe them as a constant pressure like sensation around their head that mimics the feeling of a tight band around the head. The pain experienced is often described as pulsating and bilateral in nature, mild to moderate in intensity; but can be severe. Tension headaches can be episodic or chronic in nature occurring less than 15 days a month. This type of headache is often mistaken for migraine headaches.

Experts have not stated conclusively what causes tension headaches, but there is a consensus that heightened emotion, tension or stress and uncontrolled hypertension are triggers. Chiropractors have found that most patients seen with tension headaches usually present with traumatic misalignment of their occiput and cervical vertebras; these misaligned vertebras and occiput alter the normal biomechanics of the cervical spine leading to contracture of the scalp and neck muscles, irritation of the nerves in the facets and disc, which contribute to neck stiffness and headache. Patients have realized sustained relief from tension headaches from Chiropractic spinal manipulation treatment.


Lower BackPain:          Smith Chiropractic

There are many conditions that can cause a patient to experience acute or chronic back pain, some causes of lower back pain can be life threatening in nature like cancer that originate or metastasize to the lumbar spine; or less complicated like facet and discogenic pain cased by traumatic misalignment of the lumbar vertebrae due to an auto accidents, a fall or over exertion type injury. There are other conditions that can cause acute or chronic lower back pain such as scoliosis, arthritis affecting the lumbar facet and disc, wedge vertebra; disc herniation that is pinching a nerve causing radiculopathy and trauma induced slippage of a lumbar vertebrae seen in auto accident and falls. Menstrual cycle can also cause lower back pain due to excessive contracture of the uterus muscles.


Lower back pain can have many origins and can be seen in internal organs that are not functioning properly causing referred pain to the lower back as with the kidneys and small intestine pathologies. Therefore, it is essential that the patient who is experiencing lower back pain to get evaluated by a doctor who specializes in musculoskeletal conditions like a chiropractor. A Chiropractor has the training and skills necessary to accurately diagnose if the cause is a musculoskeletal complaint and no other more life threating conditions. After a comprehensive examination the cause will be identified, and the proper treatment provided, or a referral would be executed to address the underlying cause of the patient’s back pain.

Shoulder Pain:          Smith Chiropractic

Shoulder pain can be acute or chronic in nature. Acute shoulder pain is usually caused by trauma to the muscle, tendon and ligaments of the rotator cuff as a result of the shoulder impacting a hard surface as in auto accidents or falls. Chronic shoulder pain typically occur in patients that are engaged in repetitive work related activities that over time caused scarring to the muscle, tendon, ligaments and cartilaginous surface of the shoulder joint; leading to chronic inflammation, scar build up within shoulder joint capsule and reduction of the joint’s synovial lubricating fluid.


Patients suffering from chronic shoulder pain also called frozen Shoulder are usually over the age of 40 and affect male and females equally. Patients usually describe their shoulder pain as being constant in nature, worse at night and when the weather is colder. They usually state that certain movement can cause sudden onset of tremendous shoulder pain. Chiropractic extremity manipulation combined with physical medicine and rehabilitation exercises have been extremely effective in the management of acute and chronic shoulder pain.

Cervicogenic Headache:   Smith Chiropractic

Do you know what sleeping on a couch and whiplash injuries have in common? They both subject you to neck pain induced headache known as cervicogenic headache. Cervicogenic headache is pain that is felt in the front of the head, usually on one side behind the eyes and is intense; you might know it as a “crick neck.” This is a pain that originates from soft tissue at the back of the upper part of the neck that was subjected to trauma in whiplash accidents or prolonged hyperextension. The typical cervicogenic headache sufferer presents with a stiff and tender neck, most pronounced at the back of the head; sudden movements of the neck would increase the intensity of the headache and neck pain, and some people also experience dizziness. This is typical of the presenting symptoms experienced by patients injured in an auto accident. This type of headache does not respond well to over the counter pain medication and can last for hours or days but is effectively managed and resolved by chiropractic spinal manipulation.

Neck pain:  Smith Chiropractic

There are many conditions that can cause a patient to experience acute or chronic neck pain, some causes of neck pain can be life threatening in nature like trauma induced fracture of the vertebrae in the upper part of the neck or cancer that metastasize to the cervical spine; or less complicated like facet and discogenic pain caused by traumatic misalignment of the cervical vertebrae due to auto accidents or fall and prolonged hyperextension of the neck from sleeping on a couch. There are other conditions that can cause acute or chronic neck pain like osteoarthritis that affects the cervical facet and disc, wedge cervical vertebra; disc herniation that result in pinching of cervical nerve causing radiating pain with hand numbness and trauma induced cervical vertebral slippage that result in segmental dysfunction of the cervical spine.

To effectively diagnose and treat the cause of neck pain it is essential that the patient be evaluated by a doctor who specializes in musculoskeletal conditions like a chiropractor. A Chiropractor has the training and skills necessary to accurately diagnose the cause of the neck pain and provide the treatment necessary to address any musculoskeletal complaint or refer the patient to another specialist as the diagnosis dictates.

Knee pain:  Smith Chiropractic LLC

Knee pain is a common condition that affects both the young and the old and can be acute or chronic in nature. There are multiple factors that can cause a person to experience knee pain; acute knee pain is usually due to some form of trauma like trip and fall or auto accidents that tears the inner or outer ligaments in the knee or causes damage to the cartilaginous surface of the knee joint. Chronic knee pain in kids is usually caused by a condition called asgood-schlatter disease where the patella tendon’s attachment to the tibia tears, leading to tendon inflammation and pain. In adults, chronic knee pain can result from arthritic deterioration of the cartilaginous surface of the knee and the intrinsic ligaments within the knee leading to instability and a painful gait.


Trauma induced hip misalignment usually seen in auto accidents and slip and fall accidents usually causes a person to shift their body weight away from the misalign hip on to the opposite knee on load bearing altering the person’s gait; leading to early arthritic changes within the knee that result in swelling and pain. Early diagnosis and treatment of knee pathologies is essential to prevent joint deterioration and eventual knee replacement surgery. A Chiropractor who specialized in extremity management has the training and skills necessary to accurately diagnose the cause of the knee pain and provide the treatment necessary to address the complaint or refer to the patient to another specialist as the diagnosis dictates.



We also treat: Sciatica, Pinched nerve, and Disc pain 

(if you don’t see your condition mentioned, feel free to contact us for further diagnosis)